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Welcome to Goldkress Shibas
- Breed Introduction
- Is Health Testing Important to You
- Do They Shed
- Mame Shiba It's a Scam
- So...You Want a Sesame
- I Don't Want a Show Dog, I Just Want a Pet
- Puppy mills & backyard breeders vs.responsible breeders
- Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC)
- 1. Nevaeh
- 2. Saki
- 3. Pink
- 4. Chiyo
- 5. Girly
- 6. Baby
- 7. Chili
- 8. Stella
- 9. Liza Jane
- 10. Lovee
- 11. Jolly
The Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC) offers a therapeutic work environment for returning combat veterans and a forever home to wolves, wolfdogs, coyotes, horses, parrots and other animals. Located on a 20-acre facility with a 3,000-acre buffer, they offer both the veterans and rescued animals an opportunity to heal and thrive in a back-to-nature setting.
Utilizing a holistic approach, LARC rescues wolves and wolfdogs needing permanent placement and provides them with a forever home in their sanctuary they fight against the breeding of high-content wolfdogs sold to people who often have no idea what they are getting into owning a part-wild animal and they take action against the slaughter of wolves in the wild.
LARC also houses Serenity Park, a sanctuary for parrots who have been relinquished by their human companions or rescued from cases of neglect. Formerly on the grounds of the West Los Angeles VA, Serenity Park continues to be served by the same veterans who mutually benefit from the relationship with their feathered friends.
PLEASE visit their webpage at http://www.lockwoodarc.org and PLEASE consider either a one-time donation or a monthly donation. ANY amount would be greatly appreciated and is very much needed. And check out their tv show "Wolves and Warriors" on Animal Planet